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New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
BMJ Best Practice This link opens in a new window
Het laatste onderzoeksbewijs, richtlijnen en deskundig advies - gepresenteerd in een stap-voor-stap benadering voor preventie, diagnose, behandeling en prognose This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) CAT databank CAT-databank
Bevat CAT’s (Critically Appraised Topics): literatuurstudies over een afgebakend onderwerp, resulterend in een aanbeveling voor de praktijk.
Complete Anatomy This link opens in a new window
New Featured
Alternate Name(s) 3D4Medical
Complete Anatomy is an educational three-dimensional (3D) anatomy platform with interactive anatomy models, clinical video animations, and virtual dissection tools.
How to create an account? Read our instructions! Create an account on a RUG- OR UMCG-computer, via Microsoft Store using your student email address or RUG/UMCG email address.
Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry This link opens in a new window
Search, analysis and workflow tools for synthetic chemistry