This guide covers a set of high-quality sources of information for early modern history that can be a good starting point for your research.
Note: No new monographs have been added to this guide for several years.
Links to online database were last checked in October 2024.
Encyclopedic Reference
- Encyclopedia of the history of Europe, 1450-1789. This link opens in a new window
- Gale Encyclopedia of India This link opens in a new window
- Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium This link opens in a new windowWith more than 5,000 entries by an international group of eminent historians, this is the standard research tool on 1,100 years of Byzantine history. Exhaustive in its coverage, entries on patriarchy and emperors coexist with entries on surgery, musical instruments, and the baking of bread, bringing to life this vastly important culture and empire, from the 4th century to the 15th.
- Oxford Encyclopedia of the ReformationThis dictionary provides rich detail on all aspects of the Renaissance in 14th to 17th century Europe. It includes comprehensive coverage of the art, literature, science, culture, philosophy, religion, economics, history, and conflict of the period.
- Oxford Reference OnlineWide range of reference works on the subject of History.
Online resources & books
- Early English Books online (EEBO)History of printing in Europe from its origins through to the close of the seventeenth century.
- Early English Books Online - TCP Open AccessAll books published in English from 1475-1700 in Open Access.
- Eighteenth Century Collections onlineEverything printed in Great Britain in the 18th Century.
- Eighteenth Century Collections online - TCP Open AccessEverything printed in Great Britain in the 18th Century.
Oxford English Dictionary
- Oxford English DictionaryThe Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is the principal historical dictionary of the English language, published by Oxford University Press (OUP)
Related Library Guides
- Ancient History This link opens in a new window
- Early Modern History This link opens in a new window
- Historische bronnen This link opens in a new window
Historical Abstracts
- Historical Abstracts - from 1450 to the present This link opens in a new windowHistorical Abstracts is de belangrijkste algemene bibliografie voor de na-middeleeuwse geschiedenis van de wereld, met uitzondering van de Verenigde Staten en Canada, vanaf 1450 tot heden
Google Search
- Google Scholar This link opens in a new windowFor direct access to full text documents:
Click on Settings - Library links : choose University of Groningen options + Open Worldcat (if not shown, type 'Groningen'). Links to full text (if available) will be shown in your search results.
Citing a publication found in Google Scholar?
Click on Settings - Search result - Bibliography manager, choose e.g. Endnote - Google Books This link opens in a new window
Bibliographic Reference
- Bibliography of British & Irish History. Turnhout, 2009- . This link opens in a new windowHistorical bibliography on British Isles and Commonwealth; Period: from 55 b.c. - .
- Historical AbstractsBibliography on the world's history (except USA and Canada) from 1450 to the present.
- ITER- Gateway to the Middle Ages and the RenaissancePortal to bibliography and other databases on the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
Other bibliographic and electronic journals databases
- Academic Search PremierMultidisciplinary bibliographic and full-text database.
- Arts & Humanities Citation IndexArts & Humanities part of the 'Web of Science' database. Multidisciplany.
- JSTORFull-text archival access to hundreds of top journals, mostly back issues of journals!
- Oxford Bibliographies Online - Renaissance and ReformationEncyclopedic reading guides for the subject of Renaissance and Reformation.
- Periodical Archive OnlineAchival issues of hundreds of journals in the humanities and social sciences.
- Project MUSEFull-text periodicals (humanities and social sciences).
A list of available current newspapers and newspaper archives, licensed by the library or freely available online
Current newspapers
- Financial Times This link opens in a new windowBritish online newspaper that focuses on business and economic current affairs.
- The New York Times This link opens in a new windowOnline access to The New York Times articles from 1851-1922 and from 1980 to the present.
- Nexis Uni This link opens in a new windowDutch and foreign newspapers and other sources for news and journalism.
- Gale OneFile: News This link opens in a new windowAccess major U.S. and international newspapers online to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, or other fields
Licensed newspaper archives
- The Guardian (1821-2003) & The Observer (1791-2003) This link opens in a new window
- Early American newspapers This link opens in a new window
- Los Angeles Times 1881-1997 This link opens in a new window
- New York Times 1851-2018 This link opens in a new window
Other online archives
- Chronicling America This link opens in a new windowOver 1400 American newspaper titles from 1836 - 1922
Other Catalogue
- Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC) This link opens in a new windowInternational database of 15th-century European printing.
Information literacy / Informatievaardigheden
- Caferro, William. The Routledge History of the Renaissance. New York, 2017.ISBN: 9781351849463
Nayar, Sheila J. Renaissance responses to technological change. Cham, 2019.
ISBN: 9783319968995Pagden, Anthony. The Enlightenment and why it still matters. Oxford, 2013.
ISBN: 9780199660933
Which eBooks are available for the subject of History? Restrict this set with title or keywords "Early Modern", or "Renaissance", "17th and / or 18th century".
- EBSCO-ebooks This link opens in a new window
The European World 1500-1800 by
Call Number: Arts Collection 60.EUR 3.01 H22ISBN: 9780415432535Publication Date: 2009
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Subjects: Faculty of Arts