What is Altmetrics & what is the UMCG Altmetric project?
The UMCG and Altmetric
Altmetrics can be a valuable and additional tool to monitor and report on the attention surrounding your research. The Medical Library has launched an Altmetrics project in collaboration with researchers and other stakeholders in the UMCG to raise awareness about changing communication (and its importance) within science.

The data in the UMCG Altmetrics Dashboard comes from the University of Groningen research database 'Pure'. Pure includes all UMCG publications from research institutes, research programs and researchers.
The Altmetric dashboard adds additional statistics to these publications, such as the number of tweets, blogs, news posts, post peer reviews or policy documents that mention a publication, anywhere in the world.
Researchers can use the UMCG Altmetric Dashboard to:
- find out what is being said about your publication on the web, by whom and how often
- discover which policies (worldwide) refer to your publication(s)
- better understand the social relevance of scientific research; also at the level of research institutes and programs
How can I use it?
UPDATE: In 2023 the UMCG instance of Altmetric will be only available via de University of Groningen Instance. Existing accounts and saved searched should have been imported into the University of Groningen Altmetric instance.
For help & info: contact Guus van den Brekel or Robin Ottjes of the CMB, UMCG -
To access the Altmetric dashboard, simply go to: https://www.altmetric.com/explorer/login from an UMCG desktop or via toegang.umcg.nl
Use Continue as a GUEST, if you don't want to create an account
Use Create an account, if you want be able to create your own reports and alerts. Use your either your UMCG email address ór your UG email address.
- You will get personal access to the Altmetric Dashboard.
It contains all tracked "mentions" from a lot of sources on the web related to your publications that are already out there for everybody to see, but in this dashboard they are all aggregated together:- by author
- by the 5 Research Institutes and Programmes of the UMCG
Who is talking about your research?
- PURE start pageAdd your publications to your profile page
Video Altmetric & UMCG
Guus van den Brekel of the UMCG Central Medical Library talked about Altmetrics at a Meet & Learn meeting in the UMCG:

Pure issues: pure@umcg.nl
Open Access issues: openaccess@umcg.nl
Reference management issues: refman@umcg.nl