This guide covers a set of high-quality sources of information for archaeology that can be a good starting point for your research.
Cambridge Core: Archaeology
- Cambridge Core : ArchaeologyChoose: Only search content I have access to, and subject: Archaeology
Archaeological journals (printed & online)
- Archaeological journals, printed & online This link opens in a new window
- Van Dale Dictionaries This link opens in a new windowBilingual dictionaries from and into Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish, and the 'Dikke Van Dale' (Dutch dictionary).
Online dictionaries of Van Dale can also be accessed via smartphone or tablet, by means of the Van Dale App! Once the app has been downloaded, you can open the app and click on the Surfspot link on the bottom of the log in screen to log in with your UG account.
Open access information
Powerpoint Archeologie 2017
Classification scheme Archaeology University Library
Rondleidingtekst Archeologie 2019
Selected bibliographies and other databases for archaeology
Here is a list of databases with literature on archaeology
- ZENON DAI This link opens in a new windowCombined catalogue of the archaeological libraries joined in the German Archaeological Institute and the 'Archäologische Bibliographie'.
- Gnomon Bibliographische Datenbank This link opens in a new window
- L'Année philologique This link opens in a new windowBibliographic database of scholarly works relating to all aspects of Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations
- Bibliography of the History of Art This link opens in a new windowBibliography on Art History and Archaeology
- JSTOR images (open collections) This link opens in a new window
- Cultureelerfgoed.nl This link opens in a new windowWebsite van de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE).
- Cultureel Erfgoed This link opens in a new window
- Dutch archaeological data sets in DANS EASYEASY offers sustainable archiving of research data and access to thousands of datasets
- European archaeological data sets in AriadneExplore the digital resources and services that ARIADNE has brought together from across Europe for archaeological research, learning and teaching.
- Kwaliteitsnorm Nederlandse Archeologie (KNA)De Kwaliteitsnorm Nederlandse Archeologie (KNA) bestaat uit een aantal protocollen die ieder een deel van het archeologisch werk beschrijven. De KNA-protocollen bevatten de minimale inhoudelijke en ambachtelijke eisen die worden gesteld aan archeologische werkzaamheden van inventariserend onderzoek tot aan depotbeheer (het bewaren van archeologisch vondstmateriaal).
- Narcis, The gateway to scholarly information in the NetherlandsDe toegang tot wetenschappelijke informatie in Nederland
Google Search
- Google Scholar This link opens in a new windowFor direct access to full text documents:
Click on Settings - Library links : choose University of Groningen options + Open Worldcat (if not shown, type 'Groningen'). Links to full text (if available) will be shown in your search results.
Citing a publication found in Google Scholar?
Click on Settings - Search result - Bibliography manager, choose e.g. Endnote - Google Books This link opens in a new window
The easiest way to keep up to date with the latest articles in your research field!
Related LibGuide: Information Literacy Archaelogy
- Information Literacy ArchaelogyDuring your university study you will be confronted with academic literature for the first time. It is essential that you learn what academic literature is, where to find it and how to use it correctly. To succeed in this you need to develop new skills; information literacy skills. These skills are part of the academic skills you will be taught during your university education.
For more information: study this LibGuide Information Literacy Archaeology!
Hulppagina over Google Books bij Universiteit Utrecht
Book reviews
For book reviews in all disciplines use one or more of these databases.
Use as many keywords as you need to identify the book and its author, but no more than that.
Example: Nijf Roman East
- Web of Science This link opens in a new windowCovers a top slice of scientific & scholarly journals.
- JSTOR This link opens in a new window
- Periodicals Archive Online This link opens in a new window
- Nexis Uni This link opens in a new windowDutch and foreign newspapers and other sources for news and journalism.
- Google Books This link opens in a new window
Zoek informatie over een archeologisch onderzoeker
Library tour video UL Groningen
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