The jury of the Open Research Award received 14 eligible submissions presenting
ase studies from the humanities, medical and life sciences, social and behavioural
ciences and spatial sciences. 

Submitted entries (in total 19) were screened for eligibility by a jury composed of UG and UMCG staff members.

The draw of the winners of the Open Research Award took place on October, 26. Three winners were randomly drawn by the organizers to win each 500 euros and present their case studies during the Celebrating Openness event on 17 November:

Ahmad Alsahaf and team (UMCG):
FAIR data management of a large-scale electron microscopy database for type 1 diabetes

Aranka Ballering and team (UMCG):
Preregistering qualitative research: our known unknown

Julia Doornbos and team (University College Groningen/Faculty of Spatial Sciences):
The Postcolonial Present: co-creating, sharing and remembering life stories of the Indo-European diaspora

Congratulations! All eligible case studies will soon be published online.