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New E-books

Debonding and Fixed Retention in Orthodontics

An Evidence-Based Clinical Guide with reviews the protocols, materials, and techniques required at two key stages of orthodontic treatment.

Phillips' Science of Dental Materials

Print book & E-book (Unlimited user access)

Lindhe's Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry

Print book & E-book (unlimited user access)

Anatomy and Physiology 2e

- Textbook available: Fall 2022 -

E-BOOKS Artificial Intelligence & Dentistry

Digital dentistry an overview and future prospects

This book focuses on recent technological advances in digital dentistry. It provides information on digital aspects in all dental fields including digital caries detection systems, digital color matching, and digital applications in periodontology, surgical implant placement, oral histopathology and pediatric dentistry.


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