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profile-icon Peter Braun
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We expect to reach the national annual quota of 2,080 publications the last week of October 2023. This means that the deal will be suspended and UG/UMCG articles will no longer be eligible for the usual 100% discount on the open access fee. Dutch corresponding authors will be able to use the new allocation of OA fee waivers as of 1 January 2024.

During the suspension of the deal authors can choose to publish closed access or open access, but in the latter case they will have to arrange the APC payment themselves. As per UG and UMCG regulations, closed access articles will be made open access via Pure, but only six months after publication and without an open license. Researchers don’t have to do anything themselves. The Central Medical Library (CMB) will take care of opening up all qualifying publications via Pure. Should your research funder (e.g. NWO or Horizon Europe) require you to share your publications immediately (no embargo) and under an open license, please get in touch with us for advice.

If you wish to discuss the available options or if you have any questions email us at: (UMCG authors)

If you want to stay informed about the status of the Springer deal, please sign up for the ‘notify-me service’ maintained by the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). 

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profile-icon Peter Braun
No Subjects

The UG’s Open Access Book Fund is now closed and it is no longer possible to submit applications. The funds was introduced as pilot within the framework of the UG’s Open Science Programme (2021-2023).

Open access book fund in a nutshell
The fund was launched in February 2022 and to support the publication of monographs or edited volumes by UG authors. Authors could apply for a maximum of €8,000 to support the open access publication of their books. The fund was initially supposed to run until August 2023 but, given its popularity, the budget ran out earlier than expected.

Statistics about the fund’s usage
In total, 66 applications were received, of which 47 were granted, 19 were rejected (due to ineligibility or lack of funding) or withdrawn by the applicants.

The fund was greatly popular with the humanities and social sciences disciplines:
Faculty of Arts (26 applications); Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences (9); Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society (8); Faculty of Law (5); Campus Fryslân (4); Faculty of Spatial Sciences (4); University College Groningen (3); Faculty of Philosophy (2); Faculty of Science and Engineering (2); University Library (2); UMCG (1).

Read more about open access books on the CMB Library guide

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