Current developments
- fluxenergie.nlDutch news site on energy
Case Law Court of Justice of the EU
- Eur-lex This link opens in a new window
- Searching on topic for EU case law through CURIA This link opens in a new windowIncluding the latest EU case law
- Disclaimer This link opens in a new window
Energy law is a branch of law that has increased both in popularity and importance over the past few decades. With amongst others the liberalizing energy markets in the European Union and the ever-increasing share of renewable energy sources in our current energy systems, the amount and diversity of regulation on energy related topics has increased considerably during the last three decades.
This University of Groningen Libguide is a joint effort of the Groningen Centre of Energy Law (GCEL) and the University Library to assist students, researchers, and (other) professionals in the field of energy law in their studies and access to sources. This Libguide provides an introduction to some important sources that are available, either from the University of Groningen library collection on energy law, or the internet. This Libguide also provides guidance and resources on writing papers, theses, articles or essays on energy law.
Good luck with your energy law research. For any questions, comments or suggestions with regard to this Libguide, you are most welcome to contact the University Library, using the ‘Feedback and Contact’ section of this Libguide.
- COM documents This link opens in a new window
- Eurlex This link opens in a new window