What is Lean Library?
Perhaps recognizable to many colleagues: you search for an article or ebook, for example with Google, but you do not have access to the full text. Lean Library, a small program (extension) that can be added to your browser, gives you easy and direct access to the PDF with a simple click on the pop-up screen. Lean Library is already included as standard in Edge at UMCG Anywhere.
(Want to know more? Listen to the podcast "Lean Library at the RUG & UMCG" , created with NotebookLM, an AI tool by Google)
The advantages at a glance:
- Automatic access to the library's entire digital collection: all our online journals, databases, e-books and newspapers
- The Get it! button
is automatically added to PubMed and Google Scholar so you can go directly to the PDF
- Pop-up message for alternate versions, new resources, trial versions, etc.
- Request-a-copy option if the PDF is not available (free for everyone within the UMCG and the RUG)
- Direct contact with the Medical Library for support
Where can I add Lean Library myself?
Lean Library is already included as standard in Edge at UMCG Anywhere.
If you do NOT see it right away in your Edge browser, click the "Puzzle"-icon, then the "Eye" to make it visible.
You can add Lean Library yourself to your browser at:
- your (NextGen) laptop
- your PC at home
- your UMCG PC*
Suitable browsers are: Chrome, Firefox en Edge
* You already have direct access to our digital collection on a UMCG PC. Nevertheless, it is still useful to have Lean Library on a UMCG PC, as Lean Library automatically adds the Get-it! button to PubMed and Google Scholar, and alerts you to alternative access.
How do I add Lean Library?
STEP 1: Add Lean Library to your browser
- Open Edge
- Go to this Lean Library-page especially for Edge*
- Click “GET” and choose “ADD Extension”
(is "GET" not clickable? Then you already have Lean Library in your browser!) - Select “University of Groningen” as your institution.
* Do you use Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Opera? Go to this Lean Library-page
STEP 2: Make Lean Library visible
- Click on the puzzle piece icon in the toolbar (top right).
- Click the eye icon to reveal Lean Library. From now on, Lean Library will help you access PDFs whenever you need it.
That's all! You will now receive pop-up messages when articles, e-books, databases or services are available in the library.
For help and support please contact the Medical Library:
- Guus van den Brekel (a.j.p.van.den.brekel@umcg.nl or tel. 16194)
- Robin Ottjes (r.f.ottjes@umcg.nl or tel.16191)
How does Lean Library work? An example
Suppose you cannot open the entire article or e-book via the 'fulltext' link. With Lean Library
in your browser, a pop-up with a link to the entire article will automatically appear (see the screenshot on the right).
If the pop-up does not appear automatically, click on the icon to activate the tool by setting the slider to green