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Guus van den Brekel
Medical Information Specialist & Research Support, Analytics & Profiles
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Individual Search Strategy Support

Developing a systematic search strategy can be a challenging task. We offer workshops and individual support for staff members and students of the UMCG and UG. We provide regular advice as well as collaboration (with co-authorship) in systematic (and scoping) reviews.

Make an Appointment 

What can you expect?

We offer two types of Search support: regular advice and collaboration. What is the difference and what can you expect?

  • Regular advice: This type of support is recommended when you have a general question, if you work on a Critically appraised topic or a non-systematic research project. Send us your search strategy (with MeSH and text words). We give feedback on the research question, the structure of the search strategy and give suggestions for further development of the search. After the meeting we will send you the document with feedback. Based on the tips we provide, you will further develop the search strategies yourself and translate these to other databases. 
  • Collaboration (co-authorship): Recommended if you start with a systematic (or scoping) review with the intention to publish. You ask an information specialist to be part of the review team. If we agree on collaboration, we make a plan for the search strategy development. This involves finetuning the research question, feedback on the protocol, selection of databases, research related to the search, the development, validation and translation of the search strategies. We document the search process and we write (or assist in writing) the methods and supplement for the protocol and the final manuscript. The information specialist is co-author of the review.
    Ask us for more information about the role of an information specialist and an overview of the tasks.


Workshops Medical Library

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Subjects: Faculty of Medical Sciences