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Books from (or with contributions of) UMCG authors

Drug Utilization Research
Towards a better understanding of how medicines are used in society Drug Utilization Research (DUR) is a discipline which combines aspects of pharmacotherapy, epidemiology, and health services research into an interdisciplinary set of methods for analyzing and assessing the prescribing, dispensing and consumption of medicines.
Contributing UMCG author: Job van Boven
Leerboek intensivecare-verpleegkunde
Deel 1 van het tweedelig leerboek
Dit leerboek wordt gebruikt in de opleiding tot intensivecare-verpleegkundige in Nederland en België en in opleidingen met een overeenkomstig karakter. Daarnaast is het een actueel naslagwerk voor de intensivecare-verpleegkundige in de praktijk.
UMCG author chapter: Blokzijl, Fredrike
Rare and Complex Urology
Rare and Complex Urology combines information on clinical aspects, network developments and patient journeys in specific rare and complex urological diseases within the ERN (European Reference Network) template structure, allowing for better diagnosis, treatment and patient outcome.
UMCG author chapter: Johan Nijman
Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology - 2nd ed.
Print Book & E-book (ordered)
Updated textbook for medical and midwifery students.
Life course approach is leading.
Focus on lifestyle, prevention and social context
UMCG author chapter: Astrid Cantineau

Keuzegids screening & diagnostiek VB
Printed book & e-book
Definitie, inventarisatie, eigenschappen, vergelijking van instrumenten voor screening en diagnostiek van het intellectueel en adaptief functioneren bij mensen met verstandelijke beperkingen.
UMCG author: Alain Dekker

Expert life support : Handboek voor professionals werkzaam in de acute zorg
Dit boek is geschreven voor iedereen die werkt in de acute zorg, op de SEH, op de OK, op de IC of prehospitaal. Het is een evicence-based handboek waarin je alle informatie bij elkaar vindt voor de behandeling van de meest acuut zieke patiënten.
UMCG author: Ewoud ter Avest
Dry Eye Disease
Clinically-oriented and up-to-date, Dry Eye Diseases focuses on the latest diagnostic techniques, management guidelines, and treatment options for dry eye disorders. This consolidated resource provides guidance on the clinical assessment of patients presenting with dry eye symptoms as well as a global perspectives on the use of FDA and off-label products.
UMCG author chapter: Jelle Vehof
Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation: New Perceptions
The book comprehensively discusses Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH), exploring whether it is a recent phenomenon or a newly recognized issue.
UMCG author chapter: D. Matnon
Encyclopedia of Respiratory Medicine
Explores the key processes of lung diseases and their diagnosis and management. The book dissects the molecular and cellular biology, physiology and immunology that underpin normal lung function, along with the aberrations that occur in respiratory diseases, from common disorders such as asthma and COPD to rarer lung diseases such as cystic fibrosis, interstitial lung disease.
UMCG authors chapter: J. Burgess / R. Gosens
Regenerative Medicine in the Genitourinary System
This book gives the reader a comprehensive overview of tissue engineering used to treat genitourinary disorders and infertility, also providing a great learning platform for researchers in different fields such as cell biology, pharmaceutics, clinicians, chemists, material scientists, and more.
UMCG author chapter: M. Shahbazi
Junqueira's Functionele Histologie
Dit boek geeft een gedetailleerde beschrijving van de microscopische structuur van het menselijk lichaam. Het is een leerboek en een naslagwerk, voor professionals en studenten in de geneeskunde, tandheelkunde, biomedische wetenschappen, biologie, biotechnologie en diergeneeskunde, en de paramedische beroepsopleidingen.
Co-editor UMCG: JL Hillebrands
Advances in Health and Disease. Volume 64
This book is comprised of twelve selected chapters on advances in health and disease.
UMCG author: Pradhana, Adinda Putra
The Routledge international handbook of changes in human perceptions and behaviors
This book presents multidisciplinary perspectives on various aspects of changes that humans experience. The handbook is designed to highlight the different contents, types, ways, meanings, applications, and moments of changes that have been recognized by experts in various fields within the life and social sciences.
UMCG author: Helmich, Maria Agatha
Clinical Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Real-World Data
This book is a thorough and comprehensive guide to the use of modern data science within health care. Critical to this is the use of big data and its analytical potential to obtain clinical insight into issues that would otherwise have been missed and is central to the application of artificial intelligence. It therefore has numerous uses from diagnosis to treatment.
UMCG authors: Benjamins, Jan // Juarez Orozco, Luis // van der Harst, Pim // Yeung, Ming
Clinical Neuroembryology
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the development of the human central nervous system (CNS) in the context of its many developmental disorders due to genetic, environmental and hypoxic/ischaemic causes.
UMCG author: den Dunnen, Willem
Mental Health in Sport and Physical Activity
Bringing together the most prestigious writings on mental health in sport and physical activity from the International Society of Sport Psychology's flagship journal, International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, this volume provides an essential reference volume for the field of sport and exercise psychology
UMCG author: Hortobagyi, Tibor
Epigenome Editing
This second volume details new and updated methods covering applications of epigenome editing. Chapters guide readers through general and topical reviews, DNA-binding devices, optimization of the effector domains, readout of epigenome marks, and approaches for delivery at the cellular and organismal level.
Contributing UMCG authors: Roos Eilers, Mihály Koncz, Marianne Rots, [et al.]
Multimodality Imaging and Intervention in Oncology
This book provides the reader with a focused review of multimodality imaging strategies (radiology and molecular imaging) in staging and re-staging the major types of cancer (i.e. thyroid, breast, colon-rectum, lung, prostate, pancreas, liver, head and neck, and hematological cancer), including rare neoplasms.
UMCG authors: Erba, Paola // Noordzij, Walter // Veenstra, Emile
Cardiovascular Applications of Stem Cells
The book covers multifarious aspects of stem cell-based therapy for cardiovascular diseases. In addition to stem cells from different sources for cell-based therapy, it covers stem cell organoids and stem cell-derived exosomes in regenerative medicine.
UMCG author: Dobrolinska, Magdalena
Klachten na kanker
Een groeiende groep patiënten geneest na de diagnose kanker, maar zij kunnen er klachten aan overhouden, zoals neuropathie, angst, vragen overwerk, seks en zingeving. Patiënten leggen zelf lang niet altijd zelf het verband met hun eerdere diagnose. Dit boek behandelt de klachten waarmee deze patiënten zich presenteren. Het biedt zorgverleners in de eerste lijn informatie, casuïstiek en praktische handvatten.
Bijdragen van UMCG-auteurs: Daan Brandenbarg, Mariken Stegmann, Jantina van der Velde, Wouter van Geffen

Arts in Health in Nederland: Een nationale agenda
Arts in health verwijst naar het veld dat artistieke en creatieve praktijken toepast om gezondheid en welzijn te bevorderen en een positieve benadering van gezondheid te stimuleren.
Contributing UMCG authors: Hanneke van der Wal-Huisman, Barbara van Leeuwen, Evelyn Finnema, Nina van den Berg

Klinische neuropsychologie
Dit boek is relevant voor zowel klinische research als praktische werkzaamheden, zoals de diagnostiek, begeleiding en behandeling van mensen met hersenaandoeningen of hersenletsel.
Contributing UMCG authors: Sarah Khosdelazad, Anouk van der Hoorn
Advanced Technologies and Polymer Materials for Surgical
This book is a useful resource for academics and researchers in the materials science and biomedical engineering fields, as well as professionals in biomaterials and biotextiles development and clinicians looking to learn more about suture material properties and suture/body interactions.
Contrib. UMCG author: M A Shahbazi
Affective Gibsonian psychology
Contrib. UMCG author: Rob Withagen

Acute Psychiatrie
Contrib. UMCG author: H.W. Hoek
DNA methyltransferases - role and function
Contributing UMCG authors: Fabian M. Cortés-Mancera, Federica Sarno, Désirée Goubert, Marianne G. Rots
3D Lung Models for Regenerating Lung Tissue
Contributing UMCG authors: Nizamoglu, M., Joglekar, M. M., de Hilster, R. H. [et al]
Antisense RNA design, delivery, and analysis
Contributing UMCG authors: Jeroen Bremer; Peter C van den Akker
Benirschke's Pathology of the human placenta
Contributing UMCG authors: Jelmer Riemer Prins; Sanne Jehanne Gordijn
Cognition in Parkinson's Disease
UMCG author: Jan-Jaap Reinders
Converging clinical and engineering research on neurorehabilitation IV
Contributing UMCG author: Corry K. van der Sluis
Essential Neuromodulation
Contributing UMCG author: H. Louis Journée
Exercise to Prevent and Manage Chronic Disease Across the Lifespan
Contributing UMCG author: Esther Hartman
Euroschool on exotic beams. Vol. VI
Contributing UMCG authors: Peter Dendooven
Experimental Models of Infection, Inflammation and Injury
Contributing UMCG authors: Rianne P. Gorter; Naomi S. Dijksman; Wia Baron
Functional Movement Disorder
Contributing UMCG author: Marina A.J. Tijssen

Handboek kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie
Contributing UMCG author: Andrea Dietrich
Hybrid cardiac imaging for clinical decision-making : from diagnosis to prognosis
Contributing UMCG authors: Jan Walter Benjamins; Ming Wai Yeung; Pim van der Harst; Luis Juarez-Orozco
Nuclear medicine and molecular imaging
Contributing UMCG authors: Joyce van Sluis; Adrienne Brouwers; Ronald Boellaard; Walter Noordzij
Available as: e-book
Pediatric ethics : theory and practice
Contributing UMCG author: A. A. Eduard Verhagen
Plastic Surgery - Principles and Practice
Contrib. UMCG author: Paul M.N. Werker

Research in Transgender Healthcare
Contributing UMCG author: Sarah M Burke
Talent Development in Paralympic Sport
Contributing UMCG authors: Sonja de Groot; Riemer Vegter
Available as:e-book
Taurine 12
Contributing UMCG authors: Larissa E. van Eijk; Arno R. Bourgonje; Harry van Goor; Jan-Luuk Hillebrands
The Vasculome
Contributing UMCG authors: Luis Eduardo Juarez-Orozco; Ming Wai Yeung; [et al.]
Wearable Robotics : challenges and trends
Contributing UMCG author: Han Houdijk
Whole-body regeneration : methods and protocols
Contributing UMCG authors: Jakub Wudarski; Kirill Ustyantsev; Filipa Reinoite; [et al.]
Youth Rugby
Contributing UMCG author: Job Fransen
Available as: e-book