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E-books - Education

Researching Medical Education

Researching Medical Education is an authoritative guide to excellence in educational research within the healthcare professions presented by the Association for the Study of Medical Education and AMEE. This text provides readers with key foundational knowledge, while introducing a range of theories and how to use them, illustrating a diversity of methods and their use, and giving guidance on practical researcher development.

Van solo naar synergie

Handboek voor interprofessionele praktijk, onderwijs en onderzoek
(3 simultaneous users)

New E-BOOKS - Medical profession

E-books Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Education

Beter, leuker, sneller : optimaal ontwikkelen met generatieve AI

Gedrukt boek. Effectief en verantwoord omgaan met de kansen en bedreigingen die AI biedt. Dit boek biedt direct toepasbare inzichten en oplossingen voor de hedendaagse Learning & Development (L&D)-professional. In een snel veranderende wereld staat de L&D sector voor nieuwe uitdagingen; kunstmatige intelligentie transformeert de manier waarop we leren, trainen en ontwikkelen. 
Spin-off van boek: 'Chatten met Napoleon"

Teaching with AI

In this groundbreaking and practical guide, teachers will discover how to harness and manage AI as a powerful teaching tool.

Engaging the rewired brain

In a world where technology is increasingly dominant, it is critical to understand how it affects students' brains and behavior - for better and for worse. This new edition offers research-based, practical solutions and serves as a framework for educators who want to effectively leverage technology to enhance student learning in an environment that demands constant engagement and stimulation.

New PRINT BOOKS - Education; profession



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Subjects: Faculty of Medical Sciences