This guide covers a set of high-quality sources of Economics and Business that can be a good starting point for your research.
Recommended databases - Economics, Econometrics
First choice database is Econlit
- EconLit This link opens in a new windowEconlit (Economic Literature Index) is the international bibliographical database for economists. Focuses on literature in the field of theoretical and applied economics. By the American Economic Association
- Web of Science This link opens in a new windowCitation database with multidisciplinary coverage of journals, as well as international proceedings. With cited reference searching.
- Scopus This link opens in a new windowScopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
Recommended databases - Business, Management & Organization
First choice database is Business Source Premier
- Business Source Premier This link opens in a new windowBibliographical and full-text database on business, management & finance
- Scopus This link opens in a new windowScopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
- Web of Science This link opens in a new windowCitation database with multidisciplinary coverage of journals, as well as international proceedings. With cited reference searching.
- Oxford Handbooks Online This link opens in a new windowOxford UP handbooks on a wide range of subjects across the humanities, social sciences, sciences, and law.
- Springer e-books This link opens in a new windowAll available Springer e-books, including Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum
- EBSCO eBook Academic Collection This link opens in a new windowEBSCO's 126.000 e-books from many publishers
Information Literacy Skills
If you need help searching for academic literature, and how to use it, please visit:
Collection information University Library
(Open Access) Research (working) papers Economics & Business
- Center of Economic Policy Research (CEPR)Discussion and policy papers by the CEPR
- EconStor This link opens in a new windowOpen Access repository for publications in the fields of Economics and Business by ZBW - German Library of Economics.
- LeibnizOpen This link opens in a new windowAggregated (7 institutions) Open Access repository for research output by the Leibniz research community , including Economics.
- NBER Working Papers This link opens in a new windowWorking papers from economists of the National Bureau of economic research (NBER)
- RePEc / IDEAS This link opens in a new windowResearch Papers in Economics: worldwide archives of working papers in economics
- SSRN - Social Science Research Network This link opens in a new windowSSRN consists of research communities organized round subjects like Economics or Leadership. Research output is disseminated by SSRN.
- SSOAR - Social Science Open Access Repository This link opens in a new windowOpen access (green road) repository for the social sciences, including Economics.
- Nexis Uni This link opens in a new window Dutch and foreign newspapers and other sources for news and journalism.
- The New York Times You will be able to create an account using the above link, while you are connected to the University network.
- Financial Times You will be able to create an account using the link, while you are connected to the University network.
- Het Financieele Dagblad The subscription for Het Financieele Dagblad has been terminated by most Dutch universities, including the University of Groningen
- The Economist (via Gale Publishing) Database access to all Economist issues starting 1988 up to the latest issue. Via the smartcat link go to 'Online access' and choose the top link.
Research Methods
- Sage Research Methods Online Online research tool on research methods and research execution. Also info on how to combine different applications, the set up of research projects and data intepretation. Included are the in the Social Sciences well known Little Green Books en Little Blue Book.
Online dictionaries and Reference Works
- New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics This link opens in a new window Economics reference resource (2nd ed., eds. Durlauf & Blume)
- Oxford Reference This link opens in a new window Dictionaries and introductory reference works in all fields (extended edition)
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Subjects: Faculty of Economics and Business