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Mendeley at RUG-network

As of May 1st 2024 Mendeley will no longer be available at the RUG-network (UWP). The reason for this are compatibility issues.


For the UMCG-network Mendeley will remain available.

What is Mendeley?


Mendeley is a free reference manager.

With Mendeley you can ....

Desktop and web

Mendeley Reference Manager: Mendeley Reference Manager is the downloaded part of the software installed onto your computer. (This has replaced the "Mendeley Desktop")

  • On a UMCG computer: click the Start button and install Mendeley Desktop. When you can't find the install option for Mendeley Desktop, please contact the "Onsite IV Beheerder" of your department.
  • On a RUG computer: click the Start button, search for Mendeley and install it.
  • On a laptop or your own computer at home: Download Mendeley

Mendeley Web: This is the Mendeley website where you can access the web version of your library, edit your profile and search for papers, groups or people. You can also access Mendeley's social features.To get started, visit

EndNote and RefWorks

Besides Mendeley, we also offer EndNote and RefWorks.
Take a look at our start pages about EndNote or RefWorks:

Questions about Mendeley? Ask me!

Profile Photo
Guus van den Brekel
Medical Information Specialist & Pure coordinator UMCG
Pure issues:
Open Access issues:
Reference management issues:
Website Skype Contact: digicmb

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Subjects: Faculty of Medical Sciences