What is a PICO(S)?
The PICO(S)-method helps to focus a clinical question.
PICO(S) is an acronym:
P |
I |
C |
O |
S |
Patient or Problem |
Intervention |
Comparison |
Outcome |
Study type |
A PICO(S) can be used for all categories of clinical questions: therapy, prognosis, risk/etiology, diagnosis. The key concepts in the examples on this page are bold (the key concepts are relevant for the search strategy)
Example 1 Therapy
Example 1A
P = adults with a common cold
I = vitamin c pills
C = placebo pills
O = duration or intensity of the cold
S = randomized controlled trial
Example 1B
P = adolescents with obsessive compulsive disorder
I = cognitive behaviour therapy combined with medication (SSRIs)
C = medication-only (SSRIs)
O = daily functioning, performance at school, complaints/symptoms
S = randomized controlled trial
Example 2 Prognosis
Explanation: note that a prognostic factor, like depression in this example, cannot be randomized. The study design is observational. A prognostic factor can be a psychologic or physical factor, or a “circumstance” that is present.
P = cancer patients
I = depression (as predictor)
C = absence of depression
O = disease progression, mortality
S = observational study (cohort, follow-up)
Example 3 Risk/etiology
Explanation: Note that randomization is not ethical in case of risk factors. The study design is observational.
P = babies, infants
I = cosleeping with parents, bedsharing (as risk factor)
C = sleeping sperately
O = sudden death, SIDS, cot death
S = observational (case-control)
Example 4 Diagnosis
P = (patients suspected of) ceuliac disease
I = serological test
C = small bowel biopsy (i.e. the gold standard)
O = diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity and specificity
S = diagnostic study

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