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Nieuwe E-BOOKS
Systemic : how racism is making us ill
Layal Liverpool spent years as a teen bouncing from doctor to doctor, each one failing to diagnose her dermatological complaint. Just when she'd grown used to the idea that she had an extremely rare and untreatable skin condition, one dermatologist, after a quick exam, told her that she had a classic (and common) case of eczema and explained that it often appears differently on darker skin. Her experience stuck with her, making her wonder whether other medical conditions might be going undiagnosed in darker-skinned people and whether racism could, in fact, make people sick.

Leerboek Volksgezondheid en Gezondheidszorg
1e druk, 2021
Volksgezondheid en gezondheidszorg
8e editie, 2016
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What Is Health?
What is health? What does health mean to people? How do we make sense of health and experience it?

Leerboek Volksgezondheid en Gezondheidszorg
1e druk, 2021
Global Health 101
Print book only, request via link