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Nieuwe E-BOOKS

Debonding and Fixed Retention in Orthodontics

An Evidence-Based Clinical Guide with reviews the protocols, materials, and techniques required at two key stages of orthodontic treatment.

Practical Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

This book provides a fully up-to-date guide to the latest techniques, both surgical and non-invasive, for minimizing the impact of periodontal conditions. 

Orthodontics : current principles and techniques

This book provides an evidence-based approach to orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning, and clinical techniques, including esthetics, genetics, temporary anchorage devices, aligners, technology-assisted biomechanics, and much more. New to this edition are seven chapters, covering topics like AI, maxillary expansion in adults, Class II correctors, and autotransplantation.

Phillips' Science of Dental Materials

Print book & E-book (Unlimited user access)

Lindhe's Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry

Print book & E-book (unlimited user access)

Anatomy and Physiology 2e

- Textbook available: Fall 2022 -

E-books in het Nederlands


Principles and Biomechanics of Aligner Treatment

Improve patient outcomes with the latest advances in aligner treatment and orthodontics! This book describes how to use and adjust the materials involved in tooth alignment. 

Levensloopbestendige mondzorg

Er zijn steeds meer ouderen die tot op hoge leeftijd eigen gebitselementen behouden. Omdat veel ouderen kampen met ouderdomsziekten waarvoor zij vaak medicatie gebruiken, is kennis van gerodontologie in de algemene praktijk in toenemende mate van belang.

Parodontale chirurgie

Na een initiële parodontale behandeling kan chirurgie een goede optie zijn om verdere pocketdieptereductie te bewerkstelligen. Voor een goed behandelresultaat spelen patiëntgebonden en lokale factoren een rol. Tot de patiëntgebonden factoren behoren de mondhygiëne, de kwaliteit van de uitgevoerde initiële behandeling, het rookgedrag, de algemene gezondheid en het medicijngebruik van de patiënt. 

Recipes for composite restorations

The purpose of this book is to encourage true mastery of the fundamentals while avoiding the most common pitfalls. Dr Hirata demonstrates how to make the most of composite materials by focusing on the details and techniques that can really improve the final results.

Tooth wear : Interceptive treatment approach with minimally invasive protocols

This publication is not a textbook but rather a comprehensive review of clinical procedures that can help the practitioner to select a proper protocol and suitable materials to more selectively treat the various forms of tooth wear. This "cookbook" is based on more than 20 years of experience in this ever-increasing pathology. 

Phillips' Science of Dental Materials

Print book & E-book (Unlimited user access)

Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry

Sociale tandheelkunde in de praktijk

Print book only, request via link

Evidence-based tandheelkunde : een inleiding

Print book only, request via link

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Subjects: Faculty of Medical Sciences