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Nieuwe E-BOOKS

The Physical Therapist's Guide to Women's Pelvic, Perinatal, and Reproductive Health.

provides physical rehabilitation throughout the lifespan for women and focuses on pelvic, pregnancy, and reproductive conditions in women. This book combines scientific evidence and clinical experience to help inform practice. It includes the history and evolution of physical therapy in women's health to specific therapeutic practice.

Theoretical Basis of Occupational Therapy

The fourth edition of this popular student-friendly textbook provides a thorough and detailed exploration of the key theoretical approaches that inform occupational therapy in the 21st century. It provides a comprehensive overview of how occupation can be used therapeutically, and of both the determinants and consequences of occupation.

The Complete Taping Handbook

This is the first book to cover all three types of taping: sports rigid tape, k-tape, and biomechanical tape. Taping can be used as an excellent companion to standard treatments and within sport. Each tape has its own unique function and action that can aid patients at different stages of recovery.

Occupational therapy manual for the evaluation and range of motion and muscle strength

Aimed at occupational therapy practitioners, this practical and comprehensive manual demonstrates how different assessment tools can be used to evaluate the range of motion, and strength of clients, during physical rehabilitation.


Palliatieve zorg in de huisartsenpraktijk

Palliatieve zorg in de huisartsenpraktijk is geschreven voor en door (kader)huisartsen.
Het handboek beschrijft de laatste inzichten in de zorg voor mensen met een levensbedreigende
ziekte. Deze inzichten zijn waar mogelijk gebaseerd op richtlijnen van het

Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injuries

A practical guide to the treatment and/or management of spinal cord injuries for the physiotherapy student and early career clinician, as well as the medical and health professional wishing to remain current with advancements in treatment and interventions in this area.

Handboek Pijnrevalidatie

Dit boek is een naslagwerk op het gebied van pijnrevalidatie.

Praktische Vaardigheden voor aanvullende diagnostiek en therapie.

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Subjects: Faculty of Medical Sciences