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Impact & Metrics: What can the Medical Library help with?

When looking at article-level impact there is a lot of different metrics we can deliver. The following options are not all we can do, if you have a specific request then we can also help with that.

Contact us for more information, an example report or other questions regarding impact and metrics at

Publications and Citations

  • Publications per year
  • Citations
    • Total citations
    • Per year
    • number of papers with X citations
    • In what journals did you receive the most citations?
  • Field Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI)
    • A normalized metric that allows you to compare yourself to others in your field
  • Papers that are in the top 10% or top 25% most cited  (Can also be done with FWCI)
  • Analysis per topic, are you leading within a topic?

"Key Authorships"

  • Number of papers where you were either First, Second, Penultimate or Last author.
  • All metrics mentioned on  this page can also only be specified to 'Key authorship' papers


  • International / national / local?  Which publications score the most citations?
  • With which authors or institutions do you work together?
  • What institutions or authors are leading in certain topics?
  • Percentage collaboration with industry.

Open Access

  • Percentage of Open Access publications
  • Analysis of missed chances: If you used all possibilities the library offers, how much open access could you have reached (usually 100%!) and how much does that differ from your actual open access percetage?


  • Who is talking about your research online? Has it been in the news? Did policy papers use it?

The library can help provide the information that is needed under the "Scientific and Societal Impact" chapter.  

For example: The data for the following table can be provided relatively easily.

Total number

Last 5 years

% Open Access (last 5 years)

All publications

1st authorship

2nd authorship

Second-to-last authorship

last authorships

Total number of citations (Scopus):

Development in citations per year over the past 5 years (Scopus, provide numbers or a graph):


Public outreach

  • Our research database Pure can produce a list of all your research 'Activities', 'Press/Media' and 'Prizes'. 
  • We can provide an "Altmetric" report. This is a report on all attention your papers have received online. This could be tweets or blogposts. But also mentions in the news or patents and policy documents can be found. For more information see our Altmetric page!




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Subjects: Faculty of Medical Sciences