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- AccessMedicine This link opens in a new windowSearch WITHIN clinical medicine e-books from McGraw-Hill Publishing
- ClinicalKey This link opens in a new windowClinical Key contains a large number of medical e-books, pictures, videos, guidelines and more from Elsevier Publishing
- Springer eBooks 'Ziekenhuis' This link opens in a new windowDoorzoek Nederlandstalige handboeken en tijdschriften over verpleegkunde, zoals Verpleegkundig Vademecum en Critical Care. Veel Nederlandstalig. Alles online beschikbaar
- Master Theses UMCG This link opens in a new windowTheses written by students during research done at the UMCG
- Dissertations University Groningen, Medical Sciences This link opens in a new window
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Selection new E-BOOKS
Essentials of nutrition in medicine and healthcare : a practical guide
Good nutrition is essential for health and the treatment of disease. This new handbook aims to provide students, doctors and healthcare professionals with essential information to apply medical nutrition theory in their everyday practice.
Building your academic research digital identity : a step-wise guide to cultivating your academic research career online
The purpose of this timely and stimulating book is to thoroughly prepare students, early researchers, and career scholars in establishing their digital identity online.
What Is Health?
What is health? What does health mean to people? How do we make sense of health and experience it? Health is complex, subjective and varied. Drawing on theory, research and contemporary debates, Ruth Cross explores the nature of health in depth and challenges our thinking about it.
Theoretical Basis of Occupational Therapy
The fourth edition of this popular student-friendly textbook provides a thorough and detailed exploration of the key theoretical approaches that inform occupational therapy in the 21st century. It provides a comprehensive overview of how occupation can be used therapeutically, and of both the determinants and consequences of occupation.
The Physical Therapist's Guide to Women's Pelvic, Perinatal, and Reproductive Health.
provides physical rehabilitation throughout the lifespan for women and focuses on pelvic, pregnancy, and reproductive conditions in women. This book combines scientific evidence and clinical experience to help inform practice. It includes the history and evolution of physical therapy in women's health to specific therapeutic practice.

The Complete Taping Handbook
This is the first book to cover all three types of taping: sports rigid tape, k-tape, and biomechanical tape. Taping can be used as an excellent companion to standard treatments and within sport. Each tape has its own unique function and action that can aid patients at different stages of recovery.
Leerboek gezondheidsrecht
Max. 3 gelijktijdige users
Dit boek geeft artsen en geneeskundestudenten duidelijkheid over juridische vraagstukken in de dagelijkse praktijk. Hoe is de relatie tussen arts en patiënt geregeld? Waarop komt het juridisch aan bij gedwongen opneming, levensbeëindiging of vermoedens van kindermishandeling? Deze en andere onderwerpen worden uitgebreid behandeld. Leerboek gezondheidsrecht is een helder en levendig boek, dankzij de beschrijving van concrete voorbeelden.
Rosenberg's Molecular and Genetic Basis of Neurological and Psychiatric Disease, Seventh Edition, volume 1
Provides a comprehensive introduction and reference to the foundations and key practical aspects relevant to neurologic and psychiatric disease. This volume has been thoroughly revised and includes newly commissioned chapters on ethics, genetic counselling and genet therapy for the central nervous system disorders.
Rosenberg's Molecular and Genetic Basis of Neurological and Psychiatric Disease, 7th Edition, volume 2
Provides a comprehensive introduction and reference to the foundations and practical aspects relevant to the majority of neurologic and psychiatric disease. This updated volume focuses on degenerative disorders, movement disorders, neuro-oncology, neurocutaneous disorders, epilepsy, white matter diseases, neuropathies and neuronopathies, muscle and neuromuscular junction disorders, stroke, psychiatric disease, and a neurologic gene map.
Regenerative Medicine in the Genitourinary System
This book gives the reader a comprehensive overview of tissue engineering used to treat genitourinary disorders and infertility, also providing a great learning platform for researchers in different fields such as cell biology, pharmaceutics, clinicians, chemists, material scientists, and more.
UMCG author chapter: M. Shahbazi
Drug Utilization Research
Towards a better understanding of how medicines are used in society Drug Utilization Research (DUR) is a discipline which combines aspects of pharmacotherapy, epidemiology, and health services research into an interdisciplinary set of methods for analyzing and assessing the prescribing, dispensing and consumption of medicines.
UMCG author: Job van Boven
Murray's Basic Medical Microbiology : Foundations and Cases.
This book provides a solid foundation in the principles of microbiology, preparing you not only for examinations but also for the transition to clinical application.
Dry Eye Disease
Clinically-oriented and up-to-date, Dry Eye Diseases focuses on the latest diagnostic techniques, management guidelines, and treatment options for dry eye disorders. This consolidated resource provides guidance on the clinical assessment of patients presenting with dry eye symptoms as well as a global perspectives on the use of FDA and off-label products.
UMCG author chapter: Jelle Vehof
Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology - 2nd ed.
Print Book & E-book (ordered)
- Updated textbook for medical and midwifery students.
- Life course approach is leading.
- Focus on lifestyle, prevention and social context
<b>UMCG author chapter: Astrid Cantineau</b>

The Netter collection of medical illustrations. 3rd ed. 2024, volume 1-9
Integrates core concepts of anatomy, physiology, and other basic sciences with common clinical correlates across health, medical, and surgical disciplines.
1: Reproductive System; 2: Endocrine System; 3: Respiratory System; 4: Integumentary System; 5: Urinary System; 6 (3 parts): Musculoskeletal System; 7 (3 parts): Nervous System; 8: Cardiovascular System; 9 (3 parts): Digestive System
Goed gezondheidsrecht : de maat van Legemaate
Dit liber amicorum bevat een verzameling van gezondheidsrechtelijke bijdragen van vakgenoten ter gelegenheid van het afscheid van Johan Legemaate als hoogleraar gezondheidsrecht aan het Amsterdam UMC en de UvA.

77 puntjes op de i : perfect Nederlands voor anderstaligen
Vraag je je weleens af waarom we 'fijn weekend' zeggen, maar 'fijne avond'? Heb je nog steeds problemen met de plaats van 'niet' in de zin? Weet je of de koffie op tafel 'ligt', 'staat' of 'zit'? En vind je 'er' ook zo'n lastig woordje? 77 puntjes op de i biedt een verzameling onderwerpen waar je als anderstalige moeite mee kunt hebben, zelfs als je het Nederlands al op een hoog niveau beheerst.
Cardiovascular outcomes research
This book provides clinicians with the information needed to effectively interpret the literature from observational and interventional cardiovascular outcomes studies.

Lekkere kletskoppen?!
Dit is een kinderboek voor en over kinderen met selectief mutisme. Zij kunnen dit boek zelfstandig lezen en eruit halen wat hen aanspreekt, maar het is ook geschikt om samen met een volwassene te lezen of om uit voor te lezen.
Debonding and Fixed Retention in Orthodontics
An Evidence-Based Clinical Guide with reviews the protocols, materials, and techniques required at two key stages of orthodontic treatment.
Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics - - 6th edition
With its unique combination of humor and step-by-step instruction, this award-winning book is a statistics lifesaver.
Researching Medical Education
An authoritative guide to excellence in educational research within the healthcare professions. It provides readers with key foundational knowledge, while introducing a range of theories and how to use them, illustrating a diversity of methods and their use, and giving guidance on practical researcher development.
Klachten na kanker: praktisch handboek voor de eerste lijn
Een groeiende groep patiënten geneest na de diagnose kanker, maar zij kunnen er klachten aan overhouden, zoals neuropathie, angst, vragen overwerk, seks en zingeving. Patiënten leggen zelf lang niet altijd zelf het verband met hun eerdere diagnose. Dit boek biedt zorgverleners in de eerste lijn informatie, casuïstiek en praktische handvatten.

A Short History of Medicine
Covering the broad sweep of discoveries from parasitic worms to bacilli and x-rays, and highlighting physicians and scientists from Hippocrates and Galen to Pasteur, Koch, and Roentgen,

P6-methode : projectaanpak in zes stappen
Laagdrempelige methode om projecten succesvol aan te pakken. Het boek is voor bedrijven, overheden en instellingen en voor studenten in het hoger onderwijs.

Van solo naar synergie
Handboek voor interprofessionele praktijk, onderwijs en onderzoek

Praktijkgericht onderzoek in de (paramedische) zorg
Dit boek leert je problemen uit de praktijk gericht te onderzoeken, onderzoek te waarderen, wetenschappelijke artikelen kritisch te lezen en te komen tot oplossingen voor praktijkproblemen. In vier delen wordt het onderzoeksproces beschreven en volgt zo een student's journey.
Kwaliteit en veiligheid in patiëntenzorg
Kwaliteit van zorg staat onder druk door veel vraag, complexiteit en hoge kosten. Het idee van 'passende zorg' helpt om deze problemen aan te pakken. Dit boek geeft inzicht in theorieën (hoofd), het stimuleert zelfreflectie (hart) en bevat praktische tips.