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The three Institutional Profiles

Researchers at the UMCG will get three institutional profile pages. These pages are very well found by Google, so it is good to have them up to date. You might not know that these profile pages exist, but people are finding them.

Are all your (research) profile pages up to date? We can help & check it for you!

University of Groningen employee page (MePa)

University of Groningen employee page (MePa)

To edit your University Profile Page you need to hold a non-salaried position ("gastvrijheids-aanstelling") at the University of Groningen and a so called P-number. Please check whether you already have a MePa by searching your name on the RUG employees search menu. This profile page in Dutch is called the "medewerkerspagina" or MePa for short.

For UMCG researchers it is not always automated that a profile is created. If you don't have a MePa contact the Central Medical Library at and we will put in a request to create a profile page.

If you already have a MePa you can follow these steps to edit the page:

  1. Go to My University and log in with your University's P-number.
  2. In the top right click your name and 'view your profile page'
  3. On your profile page you should now see an 'Edit' button.

Note: All data under the "Research" tab comes directly from our research database Pure.

To show your ORCID on your MePa: First make sure it is registered in Pure and second; in the MePa editor click on Links (in the profile tab) and set "Show ORCID" to Yes.

If you have Projects registered in Pure you can also show those on your MePa by going to "Projects" and clicking the "Show projects from Pure on this Page".

Research Portal profile

Research Portal Profile

A profile on the Research portal is (in most cases) automatically made when you register research output in our research database Pure. The profile on the Research Portal shows everything that is registered in Pure. 

If you don't have a profile on the research portal this could be two reasons:

  1. You don't have any research output registered in Pure
    • To solve this: Either enter your research output to Pure yourself or ask the Central Medical Library to do it via
  2. You have research output in Pure, but your profile is set to "Back-end".
    • To solve this: In Pure, go to 'Edit Profile', scroll all the way down and under visibility change "Back-End" to "Public". Your profile on the research portal should then almost immediately be available. 

Everything on this profile page can be edited in Pure. If you have any questions or need support contact us at

UMCG Researcher profile

UMCG Researcher Profile

The UMCG also makes researcher profiles on their research website. You can't edit this page yourself (yet), this is something the UMCG webteam needs to do. You can send your changes to and they will edit your profile page!

Your research output and research activities can be shown on this profile page automatically from Pure. For this connection to work you need to have an ORCID registered in Pure.

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Guus van den Brekel Robin Ottjes

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Subjects: Faculty of Medical Sciences