- Library
- LibGuides
- Medical Library, UMCG
- CAT guide
- Checklists & Guides
Online Course
- Cochrane Interactive Learning: conducting an Intervention Review Register first, to access the modules! All modules are available for UMCG and RUG employees and -students.
- Evaluation Survey (Cochrane Interactive learning) Survey by the Cochrane team. You are invited to share your thoughts about these Cochrane Interactive Learning modules.
Systematic reviews - guides and training
Protocol writing and registering (systematic review)
- PROSPERO Register your SR protocol in PROSPERO
- PRISMA - protocols Why a protocol? And how do you write a protocol for a systematic review? PRISMA-P gives guidance
Reporting guidelines
- TRIPOD (multivariable prediction models) Reporting of studies developing, validating, or updating a prediction model, whether for diagnostic or prognostic purposes.
Search strategy
- Consult an Information Specialist Make an appointment with Sjoukje or Karin. (service for UMCG and RUG employees and students)
- Workshops The CMB workshops are a service for UMCG and RUG employees and students.
- PRESS - checklist to evaluate search strategies PRESS = Peer review evaluation of search strategies. This checklist is meant for information specialists, but can be helpful for everyone who is interested in quality aspects of search strategies.
Search filters
- Filter resource ISSG (The interTASC Information Specialists'sub-group)
- Zoekblokken BMI
PubMed filters:
The CMB has added the following filters to PubMed (use the link to PubMed from the CMB website OR CMB site on Brightspace; the filters are visible after running a search):
Filter “Randomized Controlled Trials” (excluding reviews)
(randomized controlled trial[Publication Type] OR trial[ti] OR randomized controlled study[ti] OR randomised controlled study[ti] OR ((randomi*[tiab] AND controlled[tiab] AND trial[tiab]) NOT ("Review" [Publication Type] OR "Meta-Analysis" [Publication Type] OR "Systematic Review" [Publication Type] OR systematic review[ti])))
Filter “Systematic review and Meta-analysis”:
("Meta-Analysis" [Publication Type] OR "Systematic Review" [Publication Type] OR systematic review[tiab] OR metaanal*[tiab] OR meta-anal*[tiab] OR systematic[sb])
For questions, or information about other filters, email s.van.der.werf@umcg.nl (Sjoukje)
Screening tools (Systematic reviews)
- Rayyan Free software, helpful in the screening process of a systematic review
- How to get started with Rayyan (McGill) How to get started with Rayyan. Libguide by McGill Library.
- Covidence (NB not free!) Software that is helpful in the screening process of a systematic review. In the free version, the maximum number of references is limited to 500.
- EPPI reviewer (not free) This tool can be helpful in different steps of the systematic review process, including the screening
- Systematic review Toolbox (Chris Marshall, York) Find tools that support the systematic review process (for example tools for screening, text mining, analyzing, etc.)
Quality assessment/ Risk of bias
- NIH study quality assessment tools Tools for assesment of randomized as well as non-randomized studies, pre- post studies, case series
Reference management
- Workshops Free service for UMCG and RUG employees and students
- Support / Reference Helpdesk questions: refman@umcg.nl
Systematic review Tools - text mining etc.
- Systematic review Toolbox (Chris Marshall, York) Find tools that support the systematic review process (for example tools for text mining, analyzing, etc.)
- SR accelerator Polyglot Tool that may help in the translation of search strategies between databases and platforms
- AMC PubReMiner Tool that helps to identify (a.o.) MeSH from a set of PubMed records
- Yale MeSH Analyzer Tool that helps to identify MeSH from a set of PubMed records
Measurement instruments
- Meetinstrumentenzorg.nl databank door Zuyd Hogeschool
- Cotandocumentatie.nl Commissie Testaangelegenheden Nederland (COTAN)
- Measuring Instruments Psychiatry by "Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie"; most instruments are in english
- catalogue Psychological Tests UvA University of Amsterdam

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