This guide covers a set of high-quality sources of information for medieval history that can be a good starting point for your research.
Note: No new monographs have been added to this guide for several years.
Links to online database were last checked in October 2024.
International Medieval Bibliography
- International Medieval Bibliography - Bibliography on the Middle Ages in EuropeCombined search in IMB, BCM and IBHR providing access to 14 centuries of European history from 300 to 1700.
The IMB - International Medieval Bibliography is the important bibliography for medieval history in Europe.
Other bibliographic databases for the Middle Ages
- Bibliographie de Civilisation Médiévale This link opens in a new windowBibiography of the Middle Ages (from the Cahiers de civilisation médiévale).
- Historicum.netMeta-search engine for European history.
- Iter, Gateway to the Renaissance This link opens in a new windowPortal to bibliography and other databases on the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
- Regesta-ImperiiThe Regesta-Imperii-Opac is a freely accessible database, covering all disciplines of medieval sciences for the European language sphere.
More general bibliographic and electronic journals databases
- Bibliography of British & Irish History. Turnhout, 2009- . This link opens in a new windowHistorical bibliography on British Isles and Commonwealth; Period: from 55 b.c. - .
- Historical AbstractsBibliography on the world's history (except USA and Canada) from 1450 to the present.
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index This link opens in a new windowArts & Humanities part of the 'Web of Science' database. multidisciplinary.
- ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials This link opens in a new windowFull-text database of major religious and theology journals. (1949 to present).
- Oxford Bibliographies Online - Renaissance and Reformation This link opens in a new windowEncyclopedic reading guides for the subject of Renaissance and Reformation.
- Periodical Archive Online This link opens in a new windowAchival issues of hundreds of journals in the humanities and social sciences. Covers many journals from their very beginning, until 1995.
Google Search
- Google Scholar This link opens in a new windowFor direct access to full text documents:
Click on Settings - Library links : choose University of Groningen options + Open Worldcat (if not shown, type 'Groningen'). Links to full text (if available) will be shown in your search results.
Citing a publication found in Google Scholar?
Click on Settings - Search result - Bibliography manager, choose e.g. Endnote - Google Books This link opens in a new window
Bibliographic Reference
- Goetz, H.-W. Proseminar Geschichte: Mittelalter. Stuttgart, 1993. This link opens in a new windowContains references to collections of (translated) primary, historical sources.
Lexikon des Mittelalters
- Lexikon des Mittelalters & International Encyclopaedia for the Middle Ages This link opens in a new windowEncyclopedia for the Middle Ages (LexMA) and supplement (IEMA)
Encyclopedic Reference
- Bjork, Robert E. Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages. Oxford, 2010. This link opens in a new window
- Buchberger, M., W. Kasper en K. Baumgartner. Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche. Freiburg, 2009. This link opens in a new window
- Campbell, Gordon. Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance. Oxford, 2005. This link opens in a new window
- International Encyclopedia for the Middle Ages. Turnhout, 2004- . This link opens in a new window
- Oxford Bibliographies Online This link opens in a new windowWide range of reference works on the subject of History, amongst others...
- Strayer, J.R. Dictionary of the Middle Ages. New York, 1982-2004. This link opens in a new window
- Vauchez, André, ed. Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages. [Cambridge], 2001. This link opens in a new window
Caferro, William. The Routledge History of the Renaissance. New York, 2017.
ISBN: 9781351849463- Classen, Albrecht . Handbook of Medieval Culture. Volume 1-3. Berlijn, 2015.ISBN: 9783110266597
- Wickham, Christopher. Medieval Europe. New Haven, 2016.ISBN: 9780300208344
Meens, Rob. Cultuurgeschiedenis van de Middeleeuwen : beeldvorming en perspectieven. Zwolle, 2015.
ISBN: 9789462580473In Acquisition!Logan, F. Donald. A History of the Church in the Middle Ages. London, 2002.
ISBN: 9780415132886
Which eBooks are available for the subject of History?
- E-books Middle Ages This link opens in a new window
Primary Sources Typology
- Boone, Marc. Historici en hun métier : een inleiding tot de historische kritiek. Gent, 2011. This link opens in a new window
- Goetz, H.-W. Proseminar Geschichte: Mittelalter. Stuttgart, 1993. This link opens in a new windowContains references to collections of (translated) primary, historical sources.
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