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Collaboration in EndNote

Share groups

To share a group in EndNote you first need to make sure that you (and the person you are sharing with) have an EndNote account

  • Right click on a group and select 'Share'
  • Fill in the email address of the person you want to share with. Make sure this is the email that they used to create their EndNote account
  • The receiving party will see that a group has been shared in EndNote under "Groups shared by others"
  • NOTE: A shared group can only be viewed in "EndNote online", which is in your browser.

Share your library

To really work together with someone in EndNote you can best share your whole library. 

  • Click File > Share
  • Fill in the email address of the person you want to share with. Make sure to use the email they used to create their EndNote account
  • Decide on permissions: "Read & Write" or only "Read" and then click Invite.
  • The receiving person gets an email that a libary has been shared and they need to click accept.
  • After accepting, the receiving person can open the shared library in EndNote by going to File > Open Shared Library
  • The libraries are now linked to each other, so be aware with deleting references.
  • The sharing can be stopped at any time by the owner of the origional library by going to File > Share and remove the person you shared with

Sending your library

If you want to share your library and references with somebody, but you don't necessarily want to have your libraries linked to each other, then you can also decide just to send your library.

  • Click File > Compress library (.enlx)
  • You have some options, such as "all references" or "all references in group",  and "With / Without file attachments". If select 'with file attachments' then all PDFs that you downloaded into EndNote will also be shared.
  • Click next and save the file somewhere.
  • You can now send the .enlx file to a colleague and they can open it in EndNote by clicking File > Open Library
  • Note: using compress library is also a great way to create a back-up of your library!


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Robin Ottjes
Medical Information Specialist

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