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Taverne Open Access

What is the Taverne amendment?
Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act (Aw, Auteurswet), also known as the Taverne amendment, grants the author of any short scientific work that is fully or partly financed by Dutch public funds the right to make this work freely available to the public, following ‘a reasonable term’ after its publication. The copyright act is so-called 'mandatory law' and takes precedence over contract law. Therefore article 25fa Aw supersedes any agreement made between the author and the publisher.


Implementing art. 25fa Aw
All Dutch universities and university medical centers and the National Platform Open Science decided to give an extra boost to open access by supporting a broad implementation of this law. The UMCG has decided to implement this amendment Taverne, whereby publications by UMCG authors are automatically made available through the institutional repository (Pure) six months after their first publication in a journal or edited book.

Please note: Social network platforms (such as ResearchGate or are ideal for social networking, where you can improve your visibility. But these platforms are unsuitable for sharing papers in a sustainable or legal way. This includes articles that have been made open access available under the Taverne amendment.

You can send the questions you have to 
If you are approached by a publisher about one of your open access publications, we recommend that you contact the Medical Library at this email address  The Medical Library/UMCG will respond to the publisher. You do not have to do that yourself.

Please note: For more information on the implementation, see the Medical Library intranet pages (accessible for UMCG employees only)


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Subjects: Faculty of Medical Sciences