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How to find trusted OA journals?

Check discount for OA journals

To support researchers to publish their research Open Access, local and national deals have been negotiated by the VSNU with various publishers. Depending on the deal, UG/UMCG employees
  • have a discount on the Article Processing Charges (APC) that need to be paid by the author to publish an article Open Access;
  • can publish open access for free in more than 10.000 journals (i.e. the author doesn't have to pay APCs at all).

Check the Journal Browser for an overview of the open access discounts available to you. Go to the Journal Browser or type the title of the journal of interest in the bar below

Open Access Journal Browser  (check discount for open access)


Typing the first letter(s) plus * or typing the first word(s) of a journal title will also get you a list of titles starting with these letters or word(s)

Go to the Journal Browser or type the title of the journal of interest in the bar above

Within the tab Act On Acceptance you can find the publisher's workflow ('how does it work') and other details about the deals, including the article types that are covered by the deal.
Addional information can be found on - the Dutch deals

To make use of the open access deals, next the Publishing guidelines

What if there is no discount ?

If there is no APC discount at all for a particular journal, there are two options to make your article open access available:

  1. You/your department pays the APCs and the article will be published open access. But most funders will cover open access costs (conditions might apply). See our FAQ for information and budgeting suggestions for grant proposals.
  2. In case of hybrid open access journals, you publish your article closed access and make it open access available via (self-)archiving. This will be automatically done by the CMB through the institutional repository Pure, thereby implementing the 'Taverne amendment'. This amendment to the Dutch copyright law grants authors of any short scientific work that is fully or partly financed by Dutch public funds the right to make this work freely available to the public, following ‘a reasonable term’ after its publication (i.e. six months after their first publication in the journal). The copyright act is so-called ‘mandatory law’ and takes precedence over contract law. Therefore article 25fa Aw supersedes any agreement made between the author and the publisher.

Annual quota
For some publishers, an annual quotum is available within the ‘read and publish deal’ for making an article available open access. If that maximum number is reached, the deal will be suspended. To inform authors
- a news item will be made with a preliminary announcement that the quota will be reached soon.
- a new news item will be drawn up at the moment that the quota is reached.
- a 'notify-me service is available. If you want to be informed on upcomming quota, sign up for the 'notify-me service' maintained by the Eindhoven Univesity of Technology (TU/e). 


Funder requirements and budgeting

Most research funding organizations require publications resulting from publicly funded grants to be published open access. Looking for 

  • funder requirements and being compliant, including 'green open access' ? 
  • open access costs and tips for budgeting in grant applications ?

Please see our FAQ to find out about the open access policies of the most relevant research funding organizations in the Netherlands, and how to be compliant with their rules.  

Get in touch with the CMB open access support team if you have any doubts or questions

'No funding' Statement for APC Waiver

Some publishers offer the possibility to waive the APC in case your research has not received any financial support and/or funding. To request such a waiver, a template for a 'No funding Statement' letter is available. 

Creative Commons Licences

Open access literature is published under public copyright licenses (such as Creative Commons licences). By using a Creative Commons license for your publication, you retain all of your rights, but give others permission to disseminate the work, share it with others and – with some licenses – to edit the work. With a choice of six standard licenses (available free of charge), you can determine the extent to which and under what terms and conditions your work may be further distributed.

Although we encourage choosing the most open license whenever possible (CC BY 4.0), the UG/UMCG doesn’t have mandatory requirements regarding CC licenses. 'As open as possible, as closed as necessary'
Please consider that your funder might have a specific policy about CC licenses (e.g. cOAlition S funders require the use of CC BY). If you have any doubts about which license to opt for, please contact us or consult the guide above.

A special note on the use of NC and/or ND licenses by publishers
When authors select a CC BY-NC or ND license for an article and sign the so-called "License to Publish" agreement for publication, they often (but unknowingly) transfer the exclusive right to manage the license to their publisher. In this way, the right to commercial reuse or making adaptations is no longer in the hands of the author. Not all publishers communicate this clearly to authors. Read more about this issue in the 'Guide to Creative Commons for Scholarly Publications and Educational Resources', p. 10 (link below).

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Subjects: Faculty of Medical Sciences